Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Master of Puppets

There are many analogies that you can use when you are speaking of the way something controls somebody. My personal favorite is to look at as if you are a puppet and the puppet master, or devil, controls you with the little things in your life that are not of God, or the strings leading to each part of your body. This little analogy came to me one while I was in deep thought. To my knowledge it is original. Please note if you know any different.

As it states somewhere in the bible, Satan masks himself as an angel of light. However, for the extent of time in my blog, I will state Satan masks himself as a master of puppets. It's maybe not something that you would typically think of the devil doing. But hey, everyone needs a night job. Right?

So there are tons of little things that can keep you from not being controlled like a puppet, such as: anger, lust, idolatry, coveting, and maybe flat our laziness. The stated categories are pretty vast, I would say. So between these five, all of us have at least one, but probably more strings that the devil has a grip on and is holding us back from being completely in submission to our Creator; which in the end is exactly what he deserves.

By being connected to one the characteristics, we are giving the devil a chance to trip us up and become sinful under any conditions less than perfect. Just one of these strings enhances our chances of sinning tremendously.

So, in order to live a life that is pure through and through, we need to be constantly in prayer that God, our perfect heavenly father, to aid us in disconnecting our lives with the string, or strings holding us back from where He wants us.

1 comment:

  1. You are a smart, intellectual little feller aren't you? I have quite a liking to your family. :)
